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Audio & Other Links

Analog links: cartridge loading

Loading or not loading...

• Still confused about cartridge loading? Jim Hagerman can help

• A lot on step-up transformers (SUT) can be learned from David Slagle. Read his forum on the topic.

• If you're interested in loading your SUT, at some point, you'll need to know the formula to calculate the result of resistors in parallel; 
here is how to do it (see Parallel circuits). If you have a smartphone, there's a handy app to calculate resistors in series and parallel (iPhone, Android).

• David Slagle addressed the question of phase response in SUTs on his

Not just analog links

We like analog, but we've noticed that there seems to be life on other planets as well:

• The world of 
Lynn Olson, circuit designer; one of the most knowledgeable audio people out there

• John Atwood's 
ClariSonus is a good source of in-depth reports on many audio subjects

High End Audio: Arthur Salvatore's site. If you haven't heard about it yet, check it out. Tons of information and reviews on equipment from now and the past

Resources on tubes:

Frank's Electron tube Pages has a solid collection of tube data sheets; also diagrams and photos of tube pins, etc, and an interesting page on tube numbering system

^ Help from John Broskie on designing circuits in the Tube CAD Journal

^ For further help, check the DYI Audio forum

Not just analog links

Not just audio links

Das Digitale Beethoven-Haus: an amazing resource on Beethoven's works, life, sketches etc. Thousands of sketches, papers, objects scanned or photographed and available for download. Maintained by the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn, Germany.

The International Music Score Library Project: a fabulous resource for scores that are in the public domain. Various editions and manuscripts available for download.

• My 
other lives

Not just audio links

Not just sound links

Most of the time, I make music, or listen to it, or make things to listen to music. But here are some interesting people that keep my mind activated the rest of the time:

• Marcel Wanders, one of my favorite designers. Check out his Personal Editions (in the Products section) and his Interiors.

Samir Sadikhov, another wonderful designer. The blog page has some great designs.

Lebbeus Woods, architect extraordinaire. I discovered Woods through his "War and Architecture" book from the early 90s, which contains projects for reconstructions of cities destroyed by war (Sarajevo, more specifically). His work has remained a great source of inspiration. His blog is an amazing reservoir of provocative ideas.

• my favorite 
photographer (ok, he's my brother!)

• A big thanks to our woodworker extraordinaire,
Curt Hart. Curt makes the armwands and boxes for the Talea™ and the Telos™.

Not just sound links
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